Best Action Bar Addon in World of Warcraft (WoW) - Arcane Intellect.

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Very Useful. Aimes to be a full replacement for the original Wow interface in a single Addon. One of the longest lived Damage Meters. Very customizable and will pull data from other Recount Addons from your Party. Atlas Loot. Allows you to open a menu to view Loot based on Where and Who it drops from.

Items are Searchable and link-able in Chat. Helpful when deciding where to Instance or Raid based on potential gear upgrades. Merges all your bags into one giant bag. Completely customizable size layout color transparency etc World Map replacement. The World Map is fully explored.

Fully compatible with Gatherer. Deadly Boss Mods. Provides additional warnings sounds pop-up messages and all sorts of other things for boss Encounters particularly in Raids. Very useful often required by Raiding Guilds. Vendor Values. Updates the Tooltip for all items to display the Value if you sold it to a Vendor. Especially useful when you run out of bag space Questing or Farming and want to delete the least valuable items.

Omni CC. Another addition to the Action Bar UI that will fade out buttons that are on cooldown. The buttons gradually re-light with a clock like action and as the skills they represent become available.

The buttons also display a countdown timer to indicate the remaining cooldown. GearScore Lite. Assists in evaluating a Characters preparedness for Instances and Raids. This addon adds a weighted value for each item a player has equipped based on Item Level. Omen Threat Meters. Time tested Threat Meters. This Addon keeps track of your Party or Raid Threat levels per target. This is helpful so that you do not pull Agro and die a horrible face melting death. If you haven't used this type of Addon for gathering you should.

It is super helpful. Bartender 4. Completely movable resizable and with it's own hotkeys separate from the Blizzard Action Bars. Auctioneer Complete. Adds 6 new tabs to the Auction House window. Quartz Casting Bar. Sell Junk. When clicked it automatically sells all White and Gray items except Reagents from your Inventory. Very useful. XPerl Unit Frames. My all time favorite Unit Frame Addon. Get this Addon Just Get it. I would probably classify this most strongly as a Questing Addon however it makes several additions to the User Interface such as Bags and the Social Tab.

Be warned that this addon is tricky to use with others that may modify some of the same UI components. Adds features to in-game mail. One-Click Loot all messages. Move Anything. Almost every UI Window can be unlocked and moved with this Addon. Simple Auction functionality in one additional tab. Post multiple Auctions see current prices in one window. Mik Scrolling Battle Text. Replaces the Blizzard Combat Text with a much more detailed offering. It displays Damage Healing Buffs and Debuffs.

All text is completely configurable. Healer friendly Unit Frames. Very useful often required by Raiding Guilds for Healers. Atlas Maps. Alternative World Map replacement. Contains Instance and Raid Maps. Pally Power. This Addon solves that issue where you have 5 Paladins in your Raid and no one can decide who is Buffing what.

You can change what buffs you want to give out then just mash the Class Button for each Class type until they all Turn Green. If anyone is missing a buff you are assigned the Class Button turns Red again. Enemy Casting Bar. Heal Bot. I prefer X-Perl and Clique myself but this is a solid Addon that some love. This time tested Addon allows you to create named sets of Gear and then switch to them on the fly by Hotkey or Menu Option. Titan Panel. Titan Panel is extremely configurable and Many other Addons have Plugins for it.

Mob Info 2. Equip Compare. Provides automated side by side comparison pop ups for gear when you hover your mouse over it. This makes it easier to decide if the piece is an upgrade over what you are wearing. Chat Interface replacement. This one boasts the most options with particular additions to detailed combat logs.

Focus Frame. Replaces the default Focus Frame with a Customizable one. This is a viable option for that Feature. Interrupt Bar. Provides a bar that shows Possible Interrupts for your Target and how long the Cooldowns are for each Ability. These are very common component Addons required by many other Addons. They provide handy libraries particularly for things like the Options UI Windows.

I did my best to Include Ace with any Addons that require it but if you have an Addon that is Dependency Disabled because you do not have Ace then these are the droids you are looking for. This pack contains all 3 and it is safe to install all of them even if some are not used. Another mainstream Threat Meter. I have no issues with this one though I do have a preference for Omen. Threat Meters are more accurate if everyone uses the same one. WeakAuras 2. Group Calendar.

Adds a little set of buttons that glow when Party or Raid members are Debuffed. The glows are color coded depending on the Debuff type and faded if your class does not have the skill to remove it.

Clicking the colored button representative of a Debuffed Party or Raid member will remove the Negative Effect. Improved Camera.



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